In astrology, your personality is defined by your Sun sign, consciousness. The Moon Sign helps define our emotional development, or express the unconscious side of our personality. This is where we retreat for comfort, childhood memories, and peace. This can also be the place where anger, hate, jealousy and fear may be found.Your Rising Sign, otherwise known as an Ascendant, is the Zodiac Sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of being born.
My Sun Sign is Pisces, Moon in Scorpio and Capricorn Rising. All signs of the earth element and the water element are introverted: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Sun in Pisces
Look deep into the eyes of a Pisces, and you will see a reflection of all that is good in humanity. She has a heart of gold, instilled with a deep intuition into the feelings of others. Pisces understands people's loves and losses, and can become overwhelmed with the weight of the world. Yearning for the ideal, she can get lost in a sea of imagination and fantasy. The Pisces is also naturally spiritual, imaginative and artistic. Like a fish, she sometimes needs to find a quiet, peaceful grotto in which to hide. When you catch her, you can count on her to be the dearest friend, a devoted child or parent and the most compassionate and caring of individuals.
The woman with Moon in Scorpio is intensely emotional. She craves passion and powerful experiences. She expresses her feelings in a big way, yet may be secretive about what's really on her mind. She knows exactly what is going on with you. Moon in Scorpio is very intuitive and sensitive to those around her. She needs loyalty from friends, and sensual or spiritual experiences to keep her happy. She will reward you with her great devotion and understanding.
Moon in Scorpio (also Moon in eighth house)

Capricorn Rising
Capricorn Rising has a polished, professional look about her. She strives for success in the world, and attracts people who can help her achieve her goals. To her, the world is a place of opportunity where she may find stability and security for herself and her family. Capricorn Rising is here to model responsible behavior and confidence in achieving one's goals.
- For more information about your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign - visit:
- To discover your Moon Sign - visit:
- To discover your Rising Sign - visit:
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