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Acheron - Sherrilyn Kenyon, Book Review

“Acheron” is one of my favorite books from the Dark-Hunter Series. Acheron ‘Apostolos’ Parthenopaeus, God of Final Fate, is the son of Archon and Apollymi the Destroyer. Being cursed from the moment he was born, Acheron was cursed by his half-sisters the Fates. “Apostolos, the cursed son of Apollymi, will be the one who destroys all Atlantean Gods,” Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron. 

Apollymi, a concerned and caring mother, was terrified that the man she loved would kill her son while in her womb. In order to escape Archon, she fled to her birth home Kalosis, where she would be safe. With her niece Basi and her Charonte demons to protect her, Apollymi cut Apostolos out of her stomach. In doing so, she extracted his godhood and placed him into the womb of a pregnant queen to protect Apostolos identity.

Unfortunately, Archon being the savage man that he is, trapped Apollymi in Kalosis. There were only two options for Apollymi to escape Kalosis: tell Archon her son’s location so he can destroy him or her beloved son Apostolos died. Therefore, Apollymi sent him to the human realm so he could live a normal life. 

Queen Aara of Didymos, gave birth to twins; Apostolos and Styxx. Apostolos had very unique eyes. No one had ever seen such exotic and rare beautiful eyes before. After Apostolos birth, an oracle said that Apostolos would be the death of them all. "Then he shall be named Acheron, for the river of woe. Like the river of the Underworld, his journey will be long, dark, and enduring. He will be able to give life and to take it. He will travel through life alone and abandoned, ever seeking kindness and ever finding cruelty. May the gods have mercy on you, little one. No one else ever will," – Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron.

When Acheron was a child, his human father resented him tremendously. The King treated him like he was not a part of the family. Therefore, Acheron was sent to Atlantis to live with his uncle, Estes. Unfortunately, Estes treated him poorly. At the age of seven, Acheron was trained to be a Tsoulus, a child sex slave. In return, he was sexually, mentally and physically abused.

Ryssa, his sister, wept once her father took Acheron away. Once Acheron turned sixteen, Ryssa received an anonymous letter from Acheron's attended. She begged Ryssa to come to Atlantis. Once she arrived, she couldn't recognize the brother she grew up with. He was beaten down and weak.

After his uncle Estes died, he was freed from being a slave. Acheron didn't trust leaving with Ryssa because the first time she set him free, he was brought back to Atlantis to experience even more excruciating pain. Therefore, Acheron lived as a prostitute and sold himself to senators.

Acheron was thrown into the palace dungeon because of the senators discussing the resemblance he shared with his twin brother, Styxx. After being starved and almost dying, the king allowed him back into the palace to force feed Acheron. Not that he truly cared for his wellbeing, he didn't want his precious son Styxx, who is tied to Acheron's life to die.

From this day forward, Acheron ‘Apostolos’ Parthenopaeus finally discovers his true self. During his journey, he learns about his powers as a God, falls in love with Soteria Kafieri, gets set free from Artemis and finally finds love.

“I am the god Apostolos. The Harbinger of Telikos. The Final Fate of all. Beloved son of Apollymi the Great Destroyer. My will makes the will of the universe.” - Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron


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