Ahh, hasta que tu vuelvas (An excerpt from 'Nature, Sex & Culture, a Tree of Discombobulated Thoughts')
If one could dream,
what would the dreamer say?
A fragile soul,
So small and out of
Quiet, beautiful and
thin. Can write a thousand
sonnets by blowing in the wind,
This beautiful being
has the tendency to drift to far places, reach the highest mountains and
achieve the unthinkable.
But in silence, this
gracious soul can sing a million tunes. If the tunes shall voyage, they will whisper “ahh, hasta que tu vuelvas.”
Yes, until
you’re back again.
the arms of the wind, kissing the breeze, while making love to the dreamers –
Your stems are your
greatest armor as the soil touches your soul, making you whole and live again.
May the dreamer –
dream away. You're so fragile, but as old as the earths first tune.
How can you not dream
bearing the heart of the oldest tree?
© Tiffany Desiree, 2015. Unauthorized use
and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from
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be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tiffany Desiree and
Simply Pescatarian with appropriate and specific direction to the original
This is such a beautiful and inspiring poem. We should all follow our dreams because life is short.