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Showing posts from 2015

Dianne's, Love Parfait

Release Date: On January 15, 2016 , " Dianne's, Love Parfait " will be released on Channillo publishing company.  Series Description:  First ever fiction series told from the perspective of an   INFJ personality type . Dianne enjoys her solitude and sticking to her daily routine. Hali, her best friend, enjoys insane adventures that put's them into awkward situations. Dianne is always being pulled into something strange because she has a hard time saying no.  After Hali’s relationship ends with her on and off boyfriend, Dianne officially gets pulled into a new adventure, which involves finding   Mr. Right   before graduation. Love, as Dianne would like to call an “ Endangered Word ,” has become Hali’s life mission to find. Hali is an optimist looking for love in all the wrong places. Dianne likes creating   Mr. Right   in her head while occasionally making a move.  Follow these girls on a journey through drinking the wrong drinks and kissing the wrong b

40 Truths About Being An Introverted Teacher

Going into my second year teacher, I decided to share some truths about being an introverted teacher from my own experience. Although I love my job, professional development days and staff meetings are draining. Therefore, I decided to create the " 40 Truths About Being An Introverted Teacher ." You purposely lock your classroom door so you don’t have to socialize with anyone. You never answer the door when you’re in your classroom. You’re drained in the middle of 1 st  period. You’re even more drained after 1 st  period. You don’t start conversations. You smile because your regular face would make people think you were angry. You eat lunch in your classroom… with the door locked. You wait until all teachers have left so you can avoid conversations while walking to your car. You despise small talk. You don’t want to attend any teacher socials. You keep smiling. You’ll probably never attend an office party. You can talk about poetry for hours. You share fun

The Online Gamer | L.A.R.P. - Special Edition

I've been watching The Online Gamer since the launch date. LARP in the park is out-of-this-world . The Online Gamer is both hilarious and vulgar. If you have an issue with cursing or "mama jokes," this series is not for you. The main character is Aaron, he crashes a WoW LARP using his airsoft gun. Within  L.A.R.P. - Special Edition , you will witness the hearing of Azeroth citizens against Dark Elf (aka Aaron), fighting and more fighting. To restrain from sharing the entire video, i decided to share the edition in it's entirety so you can laugh your pants off.  Take out some popcorn and enjoy the show. #TeamWoW

Warcraft, the movie

Movie:  Warcraft Release Date:  June 10, 2016 (USA)  World of Warcraft is an online multiplayer game (MMORPG), also known as WoW , Vanilla WoW and Classic WoW (WoW-Wiki). Within this amazing game, players are brought together as heroic fantasy characters in Warcraft World, which is filled with mystery, magic and adventure.  WoW was created and developed by Blizzard Entertainment and contains 4 expansion packs: 1.  World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 2.  World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 3.  World of Warcraft: Cataclysm 4.  World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria 5.  World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Within WoW’s pre-expansions, you have two factions: Horde and Alliance . A faction is a group of allies, either racial or ideological. Most in-game factions are described in Warcraft lore , but some were specifically introduced in  World of Warcraft . The concept of a faction exists primarily in World of Warcraft.  According to WoW-Wiki , the Horde is made up

The Shortest "WoW" Comic

Sci-Fi Cartoon - Life on Kepler-22b Series

According to NASA, Kepler-22b is a planet orbiting in the habitable zone that has a sun-like star. Kepler-22b is about 600 light-years from Earth, which means it will take around 587 years to land on 22b. The radius on this particular planet is 2.4 times that of Earth. Could this be earth’s long lost triplet? In the past, I wrote a post called “ Kepler-186f, Earth-size planet ” that spoke about 186f being earth’s twin sister. It appears Kepler-22b is the new craze as 186f gets pushed to the sidelines. As more research is shared about Kepler’s 2009 mission, our imagination becomes overwhelmed with what life would be like on another planet. When I close my eyes and think about life on 22b, I'm stuck on the various possibilities about life on Kepler-186f because i still have a soft spot for her (tear). Therefore, In order to stimulate your curiosity (and mines), I decided to share parts of “ Sci-Fi Cartoon - Life on Kepler22-b ” series.   The Sci-Fi creator's  YouTu

The Seattle Introvert

Susan Cain , author of "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking," featured my submission as a 'Quiet Revolutionary.' Please read my piece and share your thoughts.  heart emoticon Are you an introvert too? Link:

Introverts, Ep. 2.4 - "The High School Friends"

As always, the " Introverts Web Series " needs to be on your must watch list. I can’t get enough of their humorous videos. High School Friends is another one of my favorites. Are the majority of your high school friends married, doctors, have children or just very wealthy? If this is you, High School Friends is a must watch, even if you are very content with your life. 

Song of the week: Sara Bareilles, Brave

History of Astrology, the Sumerians

Western astrology can be traced back to the Middle East: 4000 B.C.E - 125 B.C.E. A region known as Mesopotamia, consisted of Babylonia and Assyria. The  Sumerian  ancient settlers studied the sky. In doing so, the Sumerians noticed a connection between the heavenly cycles, plant and food growth. The Sumerians placed importance on three deities: Sin the moon god, Shamash the sun goddess, and Ishtar the goddess of Fertility.  Early astrologers were religious priests governmental leaders. In order to study the movements of the stars and planets, the Sumerians built  large observatories, known as Ziggurats. The famous Tower of Babel is sometimes described as a Ziggerat.  The study of the Sun , Moon , and Star( s) have been around before mankind's earliest written records. Calendars were also developed for marking the measuring and passage of time.  In some ancient societies, astrology was mixed with religion and these astrologers were actually considered priests. - D

Seductive Dark Side, poem

Let my lips be the touch you crave, Let my soul be your mission to break. On the dark side, On the inside, And on the outside, I scream your name. Let my heart be the tune you dance to, Let my voice be the song of life you cry to. On the outside, On the inside, And on the dark side, I scream your name. Let my body be the stone that guides you, Let my hips be the glass that feeds you. On the dark side, On the inside, And on the outside, I scream your name. Da da da dooom, Da da da dooom, Da da da dooom,  Da da da dooom.  © Tiffany Desiree, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tiffany Desiree and Simply Pescatarian with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Constellations: Sun, Moon & Rising Signs

In astrology, your personality is defined by your Sun sign , consciousness . The  Moon Sign  helps define our emotional development, or express the unconscious side of our personality. This is where we retreat for comfort, childhood memories, and peace. This can also be the place where anger, hate, jealousy and fear may be found.Your Rising Sign , otherwise known as an Ascendant, is the Zodiac Sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of being born.  My Sun Sign is Pisces , Moon in Scorpio and Capricorn  Rising. All signs of the earth element and the water element are introverted: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.                                                             Sun in Pisces  Look deep into the eyes of a Pisces, and you will see a reflection of all that is good in humanity. She has a heart of gold, instilled with a deep intuition into the feelings of others. Pisces understands people's loves and losses, and can become overwh

The Map Of An Introverts Brain

Oh-no, our secret is finally out! How so not devastating...   Buzz Feed Link: 

The Majestic Seed of Silence, poem

Cowards have a tendency to flock, cluck and pluck for their simple pleasure, I am an eagle who can spread it's wings, without the need to be seen, An eagle with a calling so far beyond reach, to the heathens who pluck at my feet. Cowards have the audacity to gang-bang, to proclaim their weak-ass-ness to the rest of their team, I am an eagle who can speak on my own two feet, An eagle who can climb the highest mountain with one wing, if I so please.  Cowards have simplistic personalities, winning to them is taking a piece of cookie from a child, I am an eagle who can kill a bear without fear of being defeated, An eagle who can fly beyond the galaxy to a place no one has ever seen. Cowards are like a disease searching for acceptance, reassurance and rewards, As an eagle, I come and go like a 13 th century blizzard and will still be remembered. Cowards have tendencies that give them the audacity to feed on simplistic personalities, which they embody. 

Phantogram, artist introduction

Phantogram, an electronic rock duo from upstate New York music incorporates psychedelic pop vocals, J Dilla-style hip-hop beats, and shoegazing sensibility. Founded in 2007 and based in Saratoga Springs, New York, the duo is comprised of longtime friends Josh Carter (guitar, vocals) and Sarah Barthel (keyboards, vocals), who originally hail from the nearby small town of Greenwich, New York. Originally known as Charlie Everywhere and associated with the local independent label Sub-Bombin Records, the duo released the eponymous Phantogram EP in March 2009 and sparked widespread interest with two songs in particular, "Mouthful of Diamonds" and "When I'm Small." - MTV Artist Bio  One of my favorite songs from Phantogram is Fall In Love.  "Fall in me, I'll let you bleed. Cause you were fallin, I'm sorry, ah baby. Cause you were fallin', I'm sorry, ah" 

Song of the week: Gooey, by Glass Animals

Alright, come close Let me show you everything I know The jungle slang Spinning 'round my head and I stare While my naked fool Fresh out of an icky gooey womb A woozy youth Dopes upon her silky smooth perfume

Ahh, hasta que tu vuelvas (An excerpt from 'Nature, Sex & Culture, a Tree of Discombobulated Thoughts')

If one could dream, what would the dreamer say? A fragile soul, So small and out of place. Quiet, beautiful and thin.  Can write a thousand sonnets by blowing in the wind, Silently. This beautiful being has the tendency to drift to far places, reach the highest mountains and achieve the unthinkable.  But in silence, this gracious soul can sing a million tunes. If the tunes shall voyage, they will whisper “ ahh, hasta que tu vuelvas.”  Yes, until you’re back again. In the arms of the wind, kissing the breeze, while making love to the dreamers – dream. Blushes continuously bloom, Your stems are your greatest armor as the soil touches your soul, making you whole and live again. May the dreamer – dream away. You're so  fragile, but as old as the earths first tune. How can you not dream bearing the heart of the oldest tree? © Tiffany Desiree, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permi

13 Signs You're A Classic INFJ

1. You're always in search of a deeper meaning. At work, in relationships, with friends, and interactions with strangers you’re continually looking at life and situations in an obscure way to discover what’s beyond the surface. 2. Although people have an easy time connecting with you sometimes you can be a difficult person to really know. You value your privacy and often feel like you can only be your “true self” around those closest to you. 3. You're a highly empathetic and sensitive person with an innate ability to understand what people are going through. Your care and concern for others is always genuine and you feel deeply for others. 4. You find it easy to connect with others and exhibit both introvert and extrovert qualities. You love meeting and interacting with other people and at times can be the life of the party but eventually, you have to go home and recharge. 5. Even beyond high school or college you enjoy learning, particularly about society, o

I Am Who I Am: Confident

"People are taken aback by a confident, pretty girl who knows what she wants in life and isn't going to let anyone get in her way. And you know what it's all about? Jealousy." - Summer Altice

Introvert Dating

Dating as an “Introvert” in Seattle is one of the worst experiences, ever. It’s even worse when you scroll down your Facebook and you see the “Veronica's” of the world married. You know, the school whore who slept with the Vice Principal and Football team. How does that happen? Thinking of reasons why is making my head spin, literally. Nonetheless, I've been testing the waters, silently. I must admit, dating as an introvert is different from dating as an extrovert. My extrovert associates, who will remain unnamed, have managed to taste the rainbow every month. If Bob is not the one in January, Kevin is the one in February. One day, I asked one of my “Extrovert Associates” on Facebook chat, how on earth do you do it? She replied, you just have to go out there - girl. Just do it and believe me, it will happen. Three months later, she was dating a Mike. We'll just call him Mike for goodness sake. I'm not sure how extroverted women do it, but i wouldn'

Meeting a Fellow Introvert in Seattle

I’m always ecstatic about meeting other Introverts in Seattle. After our wonderful meeting, I enjoyed shopping for books and eating ice cream while relaxing at the park on Capitol Hill. If you're ever in the Seattle area, visit “Molly Moon’s Homemade Ice Cream” on East Pine Street. I must confess, I ate the best Ice Cream I've ever had in my life. This delicious shop with gourmet flavors is rated 4.5 out of 5. The best part about this shop is you can try the ice cream before you buy it. A great way to sample some freebies, aye? Nonetheless, what I enjoy most about meeting other introverts is we automatically understand each other. Moments of silence and intellectual conversations are appreciated. The best part is being goofy and silly. This is why I love Seattle. A city manifested with introverts, nerds, geeks and foodies. No wonder I call this beautiful city home. "Have you ever heard the wonderful silence just before the dawn? Or the quiet and calm just as a

Spoken Word: "How to Love Your Introvert"

Poem, "On My Mind"

Kepler-186f, Earth-size planet

On March 6, 2009, Kepler telescope was launched into space to detect Earth analogs, which are planets that have a star to orbit like our sun in the habitable zone . In doing so, Kepler can detect planets that orbit in front of their stars and document its existence. Kepler has a 95-megapixel array of charge-coupled devices, the largest camera currently launched into space. After Kepler’s 3-year mission, astronomers discovered the first Earth-size planet orbiting a star in the habitable zone (NASA, Kepler mission). Kepler-186f” was discovered within the Kepler-186 system. Nearly 500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, Kepler’s system has a total of four planets and an M dwarf star that orbits once every 130-days. In the Milky Way Galaxy, 70% of the stars are dwarfs. "M dwarfs are the most numerous stars," said Quintana. "The first signs of other life in the galaxy may well come from planets orbiting an M dwarf." The four planets that reside on t

Happy World Introvert Day - Celebrate Yourself

Ever since childhood, I've been an introvert but had no idea. Being called a nerd or getting picked on for being quiet was common in my childhood. While my siblings had a ton of friends to socialize and hang with, I always had one or two good friends. That didn't bother me much. As I got older, I tried hard to be an extrovert so I could look cool on Friday nights. Once I went off to the University, I noticed all of the "Cool Kids" looked like they had somewhere to go. Me on the other hand, my friends would stay up until 7:00 am the next day playing Mario Party, while snacking on sushi and chips. Later on, I began to feel like I was wasting my college experience and needed to do something different. In doing so, I was unwillingly forced into my first “College Party” senior year. In my mind, something different meant: bowling. That was the worst night of my life. I also felt very uncomfortable, so much so, the “Friend” I was with displayed signs of irritation. I l

Happy New Year!

"Don't think of introversion as something that needs to be cured...Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you're supposed to." - Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking