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Review: Introverts Web Series

First and foremost, I'm beyond excited about the "Introverts Web Series," By Rachel Tucker. On August 21, 2014, the Introverts Web Series was completely funded for a season 2, which gives us six more episodes. So far, I've fallen in love with all four episodes:
  1. The Party
  2. The Meet Cute
  3. The Pizza
  4. The Extrovert
For a moment, I thought someone had stolen my entire identity and plastered it on the web. The Pizza episode has my name written all over it. Indecisive. My favorite part was the backup plan for the pizza toppings. I relate all too well. A typical night with a friend always leaves that one big question: Where on earth should we eat?

Me: “I'm starting to feel the hunger creep on.”
Friend: “I was just thinking the same thing.”
Me: “Want to eat Chinese?”
Friend: “Sure. Oooh, those burritos smell good.”
Me: “My stomach just turned to Ivar’s. Nothing like seafood.”
Friend: “O-M-G, let’s eat Chipotle.”
Me: “If that’s what you want, I'm all for it.”
Friend: “Do you want to eat it?”
Me: “Yeah, I don't mind.”
Friend: “Okay. You wanna just eat Chinese?”
Me: “I mean, if you want.”
Friend: “Well, we eat there every Friday anyway.”
Me: “Sounds good. Let’s order Chinese.”

I strongly believe the Introverts Web Series brings extroverts into our world. According to Rachel, “I created Introverts because I couldn't find a group of friends on television that felt like the type of girls I hang out with. We don't spend our nights at cool Brooklyn loft parties like in Girls. We don't embarrass ourselves by bursting into song at inopportune moments like in New Girl. And we certainly don't discuss our vaginas over lunch like in Sex and the City. The characters on this series are introverts, and they're every bit as fun, interesting, and flawed as any other group of friends.”

If you haven't watched this wonderful series yet, please do. These three ladies are hilariously funny without even knowing.


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