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Showing posts from November, 2014

Acheron - Sherrilyn Kenyon, Book Review

“Acheron” is one of my favorite books from the Dark-Hunter Series. Acheron ‘Apostolos’ Parthenopaeus, God of Final Fate, is the son of Archon and Apollymi the Destroyer. Being cursed from the moment he was born, Acheron was cursed by his half-sisters the Fates. “Apostolos, the cursed son of Apollymi, will be the one who destroys all Atlantean Gods,” Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron.  Apollymi, a concerned and caring mother, was terrified that the man she loved would kill her son while in her womb. In order to escape Archon, she fled to her birth home Kalosis, where she would be safe. With her niece Basi and her Charonte demons to protect her, Apollymi cut Apostolos out of her stomach. In doing so, she extracted his godhood and placed him into the womb of a pregnant queen to protect Apostolos identity. Unfortunately, Archon being the savage man that he is, trapped Apollymi in Kalosis. There were only two options for Apollymi to escape Kalosis: tell Archon her son’s location so he can

Paranormal Romance

Paranormal romance is a sub-genre that consist of science-fictional love. I was first introduced to paranormal romance in 2008. I slowly began to explore various authors, such as Sherrilyn Kenyon, in 2010. Simultaneously, I instantly fell in love with Sherrilyn Kenyon’s “Bad Moon Rising,” which consisted of handsome werewolf’s like Fang. I needed and desired inspiration for my very own book. My creative-fiction professor once said, “If you want to be a great writer, read, read and read. That is the only way you can grow and expand your imagination.” For years, I struggled with finding an author I could connect with. A good book is hard to find, especially if it lacks creativity and imagination. I’ve always had an obsession with science, the supernatural world, fantasy and fiction, but I would have never guessed by picking up “Bad Moon Rising,” I would be introduced to a series of Dark-Hunter Novels. Needless to say, I had no idea ‘A Dark-Hunter Novel’ had an entire series. I picked up