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Showing posts from September, 2015

40 Truths About Being An Introverted Teacher

Going into my second year teacher, I decided to share some truths about being an introverted teacher from my own experience. Although I love my job, professional development days and staff meetings are draining. Therefore, I decided to create the " 40 Truths About Being An Introverted Teacher ." You purposely lock your classroom door so you don’t have to socialize with anyone. You never answer the door when you’re in your classroom. You’re drained in the middle of 1 st  period. You’re even more drained after 1 st  period. You don’t start conversations. You smile because your regular face would make people think you were angry. You eat lunch in your classroom… with the door locked. You wait until all teachers have left so you can avoid conversations while walking to your car. You despise small talk. You don’t want to attend any teacher socials. You keep smiling. You’ll probably never attend an office party. You can talk about poetry for hours. You share fun