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Showing posts from February, 2015

Introvert Dating

Dating as an “Introvert” in Seattle is one of the worst experiences, ever. It’s even worse when you scroll down your Facebook and you see the “Veronica's” of the world married. You know, the school whore who slept with the Vice Principal and Football team. How does that happen? Thinking of reasons why is making my head spin, literally. Nonetheless, I've been testing the waters, silently. I must admit, dating as an introvert is different from dating as an extrovert. My extrovert associates, who will remain unnamed, have managed to taste the rainbow every month. If Bob is not the one in January, Kevin is the one in February. One day, I asked one of my “Extrovert Associates” on Facebook chat, how on earth do you do it? She replied, you just have to go out there - girl. Just do it and believe me, it will happen. Three months later, she was dating a Mike. We'll just call him Mike for goodness sake. I'm not sure how extroverted women do it, but i wouldn'